Tuesday, March 17, 2009

no se que paso...

So i went to take out money, and i should have had 600-800Q left, but i when i check it wasn`t there. Only 150- umm, what? Don`t know what happened, my card wasn`t stolen, obviously i`ll have to call the bank.

I`ll make it til the end, not a problem, but i won`t able to follow up with anymore posts til i`m back in the states. (internet= money)

Sorry for the lull.

(there are lots of exciting thinmgs coming, just hang on for a couple of weeks)

1 comment:

tpdteatro said...

NOOOO! we can't wait that long! it was an accounting error, your money must be there! swoon the people at the internet cafe with your sexiness, and they'll let you use it for free!