Sure enough, night time rolls around and in pops Carlos with his son and another assistant. The next few hours were the fastest i have ever seen Carlos work. I´ll try my best to describe what i saw.
The device he is working on, it turns out, doesn´t need to hold the weight of a human, and by its size probablly wont even have a human inside of it at any point. No, this will be the center piece of a wooden table/stage, which is what the dancer will actually stand on while dancing around the giant flower.
Basically someone will sit and bike this weighty wheel, all of the power of which will force the rebar up and down, opening and closing the flower. The part at the top where the rebar passes through will act to guide the rebar up and allow it to fall open, creating the blooming effect. (It might make more sense to see it in action).
Despite Carlos´request that we all come help, there were too many cooks in the kitchen. One by one we all made our way to the actual kitchen to journal and sit. Eventually sleep got the better of us and we all passed out. Though Beth, and i think Josh, stayed out there with Carlos until he was ready to go eat. I didn´t get to see how it happened, but the design changed yet again, this time it was the openings up top- they weren´t sized correctly for the proper range of motion.
Carlos, invited us all to come out for food and drink, but most declined, knowing it would lead to a much later night.
And a much later night it was.
At about 1:15 in the morning Carlos and his poor kid were back at it in the shop. I was awoken to the sound of welding and bright bursts of light zapping across my bedroom walls. I took what i thought was a stealthfully unseen shot, but i was wrong, Carlos´son saw me and smiled. It was as if his eyes said, Aha! i know your secret, but don´t worry i won´t tell anyone, because secrets are exciting!
I wasn´t sure if i should feel bad for him or not, at his age i probablly would have been really excited to stay up real late, especially if it meant getting to hang out with my dad.
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